Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Next Book is on My Mind Today

Yesterday, Celeste asked about my new novel after I told her I worked on it between classes. Then, today, when I talked to my sister, Barbara, she asked about the new book. So, I've been thinking about it a lot lately.

I told them both about the new publishing company looking for manuscripts ready to go for 2011. The neat thing about Harbourlight Books is that they are affiliated with White Rose Publishing, the company that almost published Where Love Once Lived, until they discovered it wasn't really a romance and all they publish are Christian romance.

Harbourlight Books, on the other hand, will publish only Christian fiction books that are NOT romance. So, my thinking is that both my novel will be a perfect match for Harbourlight.

All I need to do to finish Vengeance In Mine is write two more scenes, scenes I've already outlined, and then edit the whole book for the upteenth time and the manuscript will be ready. All the publisher wants initially is a synopsis and the first chapter, but they want to know that the book is complete. If they like the synopsis and first chapter and ask for the whole thing, I want to be prepared.

It's not that I'm unhappy with the approach I'm using for Where Love Once Lived, that is, using CreateSpace and the print on demand method, but it would certainly simplify everything to have a publisher take care of the details.

Besides, I love what White Rose is producing and I think Harbourlight will be under the same management. White Rose produces great covers and ebooks. They have an appealing website, dedicated writers, and supportive editors. It would be fun to be part of the group.

My thought is that if Harbourlight contracts my new book, and if the sales of the current book are satisfactory, they may want to publish it as well.

What do you think?


  1. Sid,

    Why is it I just found out about you blogger??

  2. Don't know, Don. It was in all the news.

  3. E-Mail from Brian:

    I think that you have nothing to lose. It would certainly be an advantage to have a publisher that would take care of all the details. I would submit to them and let them make you a proposal. I would just be sure of the following:

    • That they pay you a high enough royalty percentage to make it worthwhile.
    • That they give you a reasonable number of free books for your own distribution to friends and family.
    • That they have, and will use, a marketing strategy that will get the book into retail channels.

    Let me know how you make out.

  4. E-Mail from Peg:

    If you have no legal entanglements with CreateSpace, it sounds like a good idea to me to have both books under the same publisher. Or perhaps - if all goes well - you might want to wait until "Vengeance Is Mine" comes out and see how they well they promote, etc. It's great that you are so close to having it finished. That takes perseverance what with everything else going on in your life! Cheers, and good luck, Peg

  5. E-Mail from Betty:

    awesome...had no idea you were that far along on next one...know i will enjoy as much as where love once go big guy..
