Friday, November 4, 2011

My Writing Makes Me Cry!

The CreateSpace copyeditor said this about Where Love Once Lived:

Clearly, Christians interested in light romance are the target audience. While I have read little Christian fiction prior to this work, the love story between Brian and Karen really drew me in, so the book could easily reach a broader audience as well. The manuscript almost had a Nicholas Sparks quality to it, yet left me feeling happy and fulfilled without all the tissues.

Looking back on this paragraph, I see it is a compliment to be compared to a writer of Nicholas Sparks standing, even with the word almost inserted as it is. However, when I first read it my reaction was, yes you do need tissues. I cry every time I read parts of the manuscript. I don't know if anyone else does or not. I'd like to know, but it's not something that's easy to ask someone, especially my male friends. They're going to say no. Perhaps it's because I know the characters so well. Or, am I such a good writer I can make readers feel a wide range of emotions. That's got to it.

Are you willing to admit you've gotten caught up in the lives of fictional characters to the point of tears?


  1. I laughed at my own characters the other day! But the book won't be released until next year so I'll have to wait and see if anyone else will have the same reaction. ;)

  2. Thanks for commenting K. Vitoria. Let me know when your book is ready. I would love to read and review it.
